Hypnotherapy for a Confident Interview – For The Job You Really Want !
There are skills that you will learn during your appointments that will allow you to become confident in interviews. Some of those skills are about building your self confidence, learning what it is about you that you are ‘selling’ to them and doing that authentically so that you are believable. Other skills involve learning to manage your anxiety and channel it into a great performance. If there are specific areas that concern you such as speaking out in public or sitting aptitude tests or even perhaps eating with others we can address those issues effectively using a number of very effective techniques. The information that is gathered at the outset will show from the outset the level of your current interview confidence and we will use that same scale to track your progress.
Plan for 1 to 3 appointments and to use support materials for stress and symptom reduction between appointments.
Book Here Online Text or Call 0742 8884466 or Email caroline@withcaroline.com