People are temporary, by nature evolving.
Born as guests where all that is,
precedes and succeeds us.
Travellers in time and place
blending in, fading out
arriving, always leaving.
Deriding or appreciating, depending
on birth, or scent or season,
in hope, the benefit of reason.
We shift internally, provoking a need,
a space to go or be, to journey
externally, outside of our normality.
Find an escape from or retreat to
coordinates or headspace
Sybaritic love nest or lonely quest
tripper or excursionist.
a welcome tourist or a stranger
Fulfilling destiny, eternally.
Permanent resident, illusion.
Ownership or custodian, appropriating resources.
What is yours or mine to take or hold or give?
Life Choices made in haste, the aim, avoiding pain,
so we stake a claim, grasping for a fragment of the whole.
Others, fettered by convention fear most the territory of Freedom
A welcome destination for the few
Many seek to take a peek yet dare not stay, happy to avoid
Utopian existence, electing to remain the same; mundane.
By Caroline Anderson
Coloring by Janice