APP In Progress

Stop Smoking In A Snap …

stories poems fables Sep 23, 2024
Orace Hare and Rae Rabbit

Beside a towpath, one sunny day, Orace Hare and Rae Rabbit were under a bench smoking. They enjoyed such quiet moments most evenings, sitting back against the wood, legs outstretched and crossed, fag in paw, chatting away and allowing the smoke to casually drift as they exhaled.

When one of their family happened by, they often tucked their cigarette behind their back and wafted away the smoke with another limb. Rae liked to flick her butt into the canal given the chance. Orace, on hearing his youngest in the long grass behind him cough, decided to smoke his last cigarette ever, telling his companion, they could still chill out together, but no more smoking for him.

Rae didn’t really want to stop, but she did want to support her friend and so said she would try joining him in his resolve and also stop smoking. Orace took his time enjoying his last drags, then said,

'That’s that, the next cigarette I smoke could be the one that kills me. I quit!'

Rae Rabbit smoked her’s to the very end and thought,

'I’d better not let him catch me smoking anytime soon, he’ll kill me!'

Happily, both hare and rabbit quit smoking that day and became non-smokers.

The moral of the story is, that it isn’t only physical death we fear, but the death of relationships as well – and of course, that anyone with sufficient motivation can stop smoking in a snap, so if a hare and a rabbit can do it, well…



Ready to Stop Smoking? For more information read the guide here and try our online course, I added in the whole process and course of actions including hypnosis, that I use with private clients. You could find that this is just the support you need I quit smoking years ago so it comes from the heart!

Stop Smoking: KickaHabit: With Caroline




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