Anxiety Fears Phobias

Anxiety Fears and Phobias
The Kick A Habit ® Approach   with Caroline Anderson                    

  Terms of Engagement


How do you respond to your world?  Fear of being out of control is a key element of
many peoples experience of anxiety, low self worth and often periods of low mood go hand in hand with the experience of pervasive anxiety. A downward spiral of daily experience occurs often paralysing an individuals perception of their ability to move forward in life when they experience feeling overwhelmed by either their problems or creating change.
Your experience of anxiety is specific to you and for that reason the goals that you set for yourself around anxiety are also specific to you and meeting those goals are the true measure of your progress.

Using the Kick A Habit ® Approach to reducing anxiety, dispelling unnececessary fears and eradicating phobias is an efficient practical way forward of disrupting habitual patterns so that you can feel better. Adding in small actions  to your existing habits or taking small actions away can radically alter your outcomes over time especially with anxious responses to everyday life.

Anxiety; butterflies (in one’s stomach), the willies, the heebie-jeebies, the jitters, the shakes, the jumps, the yips, collywobbles, jitteriness, jimjams,
twitchiness; the (screaming) abdabs; Joe Blakes; worry, concern, apprehension, apprehensiveness, consternation, uneasiness, unease,fearfulness, fear, disquiet, disquietude, perturbation, fretfulness, agitation, angst, nervousness, nerves, edginess, tension, tenseness, stress, misgiving, trepidation,foreboding, suspense
archaicworriment worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
“she experienced a surge of anxiety”

When you experience a phobic response to something in your world it is essentially an activation of a remembered fear response to an external trigger.  Within the approach it is  rleatively simple to disrupt your existing associations to the trigger and produce a different outcome quite quickly. If you also have more generalised anxiety or perhaps low self esteem then the approach can be used to build and reinforce a sense of inner confidence that will play out and impact many areas of your life positively.

A phobia is very direct and specific and often associated to a specific historic incident. A fear is often more generalised, nebulous and something you may have many ideas or worries about.  So fear of flying is not the same as having a phobic response to an airplane, being paralised in the presence of a spider is not the same as a fear of being outdoors. Once again, people who experience anxiety generally, may also have distinct fears of certain things but not always. Over the years, I have become accustomed to people making an appointment to see me for something specific, only to find their issue a symptom or single example of a more widespread malaise. The Kick A Habit ® approach encompasses, Honesty, Actions and Accountability, Beliefs and Behaviours, Identity and Trust and associated techniques for habit adjustment so that you can feel better. 
I will be happy to work with you to help you feel better. Terms of Engagement

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